Wednesday, June 20, 2018

L is for Local (also Regional) Conferences

This coming weekend I am speaking at the CAGGNI conference.  Held every two years northwest of Chicago, it is a daylong affair run by CAGGNI (Computer Assisted Genealogy Group of Northern Illinois). The conference has 4 time slots and 4 topics during each time slot.  Speakers are nationally & regionally known; this year the class lineup includes a hands on option for DNA learning.  (If enchanted, you can be a walk-in for the conference, but not for the DNA classes. Check their website for info)

NGS, FGS, & PMC are the big national conferences, and they are wonderful.  I got to NGS in May, and hope to be at the other two.  I do hope that you get to one (or more) every so often. 

I also hope that you get to one (or more) of local/regional society gatherings.  These smaller groups put a lot of effort into bringing speakers "to you."  and putting together a day of learning.
(It's also lots of fun to go to a conference where a relative lives!  Their local speakers are people you've never heard!)

A few years ago I had the option of hearing a national speaker for a full day at a small regional conference outside of my local area.  Even though I did travel a bit, it was still closer, easier, less expensive in time and housing/etc., and dovetailed wonderfully with a research trip. 

My take home in this post is "don't discount the 1-2 day conferences."  Yes, national/huge is lots of fun & has lots to offer, but regional/local/smaller also offers much.  Don't write them off.

Till next time,

2018 begins with an "ABC-darium," a walk through the alphabet expanding into short comments on matters genealogical.  Published on Tuesday and some Fridays, a letter may be visited more than once before moving on.  
© 2018, SE Ross