Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A is also for Ancestors - Living

We are genealogists.  We collect ancestors -- and hopefully we collect them responsibly.

We start with ourselves and our parents, grandparents, sibs, spouses, cousins and children of all.

Most of these people are living, which, in today's world means that they, and their information, require special attention and consideration.  For me, and those I speak with, the translation is that in the current climate of identity theft, and all else, that you, the conscientious genealogist, must take great care that you do not open the door and roll out the red carpet of private information. 

Have a quick look at the Ancestry online trees.  The "good ones" do not specify gender on the un-named silhouettes.  The "better ones" do not even indicate how many offspring there are in the generations which could be living.

I certainly do recommend collecting as much information as possible from and about the people who are living.  They will have the documents that otherwise you may have to wait 50-100 years to get from public sources. They will have the pictures of themselves and family growing, celebrating.  They know "the really good stories."  … and you take all this lovely information and put it away --

Enjoy the week --
It's a wonderful new year.

?? Questions ??? Give a write.
(apologies for the Wednesday post of Tuesday blog... technology & MY COMPUTER still offering "learning opportunities")

2018 begins with an "ABC-darium," a walk through the alphabet expanding into short comments on matters genealogical.  Published on Tuesday and some Fridays, a letter may be visited more than once before moving on.  

Copyright 2018, SERoss